Sundays are my favourite!

Hey there! How quickly is this year going? As much as I love the warmer weather of summer, I can't wait for Autumn; the knitted jumpers, the cosy slipper socks, and the many cups of tea (well tea's a given all year round but still....). I thought that today I would talk about my perfect Sunday, when it's perhaps raining outside or is a little colder and I just want to stay indoors. One of my favourite things about Autumn (and indeed Winter time) is that you have an excuse to wrap up warm and just relax.

I think that Sundays are the perfect time to catch up on some TV that you may have missed during the week, or to pick out a film to watch. This weekend I decided on
the Bridget Jones Movies, because who doesn't love a romantic comedy (or two!)? When it does get colder and I've decided to have a lazy day, I like nothing better than putting on a cosy jumper, wrapping up warm in a blanket, and grabbing a cup of tea to drink whilst watching my film. I feel like I haven't done this in ages and so this Sunday was pretty perfect!

Now it is September and most people have or are going back to school, I feel like I need to get back into a good routine as I will soon be going back to uni myself and so need to get organised! When I was at school, I didn't like Sundays as much because as soon as it got to the afternoon I would be thinking about waking up early for school the next day but, I do think that Sundays are a great time to check off those forgotten things on your to-do list and to just generally plan for the upcoming week.

So that is what I like to do on a typical Sunday if I don't have lots of work to do. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have enjoyed this post! What do you like to do on a lazy day and are you excited for Autumn or already missing summer?

Bye for now,
Megan x




  1. On lazy days i love just watching movies my all time favorite is clueless.. great post!

    1. I haven't seen that film in ages, I may have to watch it soon. Thank you for stopping by, I'm glad you liked the post!

      Megan x


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