The Reading Corner- 'You're The One That I Want' Book Review

In my last post I spoke about making plans for the summer and included a summer wish list with 10 things that I wanted to do during the summer. Number 4 on that list was to read more and as I have recently finished reading You're the One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher, I thought that I would give a quick review of the book.

The Blurb:
Maddy, dressed in white, stands at the back of the church. At the end of the aisle is Rob - the man she's about to marry. Next to Rob is Ben- best man and the best friend any two people ever had.
And that's the problem.
Because if it wasn't Rob waiting for her at the altar, there's a strong chance it would be Ben. Loyal and sensitive, Ben has always kept his feelings to himself, but if he turned round and told Maddy she was making a mistake, would she listen?
And would he be right?
Best friends since childhood, Maddy, Ben and Rob thought their bond was unbreakable. But love changes everything. Maddy has a choice to make but will she choose wisely? Her heart, and the hearts of the two best men she knows, depend on it...
Before reading the book, I found an interview on YouTube where the author Giovanna explains the themes and ideas behind the story.


What did I think?

 You're the one that I Want is the second novel by Giovanna Fletcher, and after reading and loving her previous book 'Billy and Me', I was excited to read this one. The book focuses on the relationships of three best friends; Rob, Ben, and Maddy, and their journey from school and into adulthood, but as we discover in the beginning, Maddy has to make a very important choice about her future.

I really enjoyed reading this book and was constantly trying to guess how it would end for each of the three main characters. As the story progressed I became attached to the characters and felt sorry for both Ben and Rob, and also Maddy who was faced with a huge decision.
You're the One That I Want is a must read as it is so well written and, with it being split into the various stages of the characters' lives, we see them grow up and mature and also identify the importance of friendship.
As I will hopefully be reading a lot more during the summer I would like to include more book reviews on this blog so please let me know if you have any recommendations of books I could read in the future!
Megan x





  1. I read this last month! I had no idea how it would end and I desperately wanted them all to have a happy ending and when they did I was so happy haha

    1. I wasn't sure how I wanted it to end but was so glad with how it did! Thanks for having a look at my blog btw :)


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