Late Night Ramblings- Time, change and memories!

Hey there,

So my posts on this blog haven't been at all frequent recently and after so long, I've been struggling to motivate myself to finish any, despite having a few different blog post ideas. Suddenly however, in the very early hours of this Thursday morning, I just want to write! So, as said in the title, here lies my late night ramblings..... (WARNING, may not make much sense).....

There are 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, and 52 weeks in a year.

There are times when we wish for time to speed up and we look forward to more exciting times ahead, but also, there are those instances when 24 hours just doesn't seem enough; where you can't see a way of getting everything you need and want to get done. Either way, it can be easy to get stuck in a daily routine of getting up, going to work, school, or university, and just generally going about your day, coming home and going to bed. It's only when you stop and pause that you notice that life moves by so quickly, and right before our eyes time is passing by.

Tonight an old school friend got in touch with our school friendship group over Facebook and soon we were all asking the questions like 'how have you been?' and 'what are you up to now?' It was exciting to reconnect with a group of people that for at least 4-5 years, I saw most days at school. I left school and started university almost 2 years ago and even though for me, that seems like a lifetime right now, I can still remember the times from my schooldays, which I shared with some pretty amazing people.

It may be cliché but I've definitely changed as a person in the past two years (I think for the better), but only looking back have I realised how much. Over the past few years it's inevitably been more difficult to stay in touch with my friends; it's easy to get caught up in life and our daily routines but I intend to make time to stay connected to those who are important to me and appreciate every minute. I don't know how my future will turn out but I think it's good to remember that every day is important!

If you've stuck with me to the end of this post, thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Bye for now,
Megan x


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