Foodie Feature- Flapjack Recipe

Hey there!
When I first started this blog, I wanted to include various lifestyle related posts, such as book reviews, recommendations, and recipe ideas. Baking and cooking is something that I enjoy to do in my free time and so I thought that in this post, I would start a new series focusing on all things food called 'Foodie Feature.' 

Flapjack Recipe





125g butter

90g golden syrup

90g brown sugar

250g rolled oats


Roasting Tin

Greaseproof paper


Wooden Spoon



1. Preheat the oven to 160C (fan oven).
2. Measure and cut the greaseproof paper to fit the roasting tin so that it covers the base and the sides. (Alternatively you can use butter to grease the tin.)
3. Add the butter, sugar, and golden syrup to a saucepan and heat on a gentle heat until they have melted together.

4. Gradually add the oats to the melted ingredients and mix well so that the oats are covered.

5. Transfer the oat mixture into the roasting tin and level out with a knife.

6. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.
7. Leave to cool down for about 15 minutes and mark out the flapjack pieces.

8. When the flapjack has fully cooled down, cut the pieces and remove from the tin.

So there is the recipe I use to make flapjack and I hope you have enjoyed this first instalment of my 'foodie feature' series!
 Let me know if you try out the recipe, and what is your favourite food to bake?
Bye for now,
Megan x


  1. Your recipe sounds delicious! I love Flapjacks :P
    I hope I can try this out soon, maybe with some dried cranberries added in!

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

    1. Adding cranberries sounds like a great idea, let me know if you try it! Thanks for stopping by :) x

  2. These look so yummy!

    1. I may have eaten far too much flapjack recently because they were pretty tasty :) Thanks for stopping by! x


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