New Year- 2015 Review and 2016 Resolutions

Happy New Year!

So it's officially 2016 but before I talk about my resolutions for this year, I want to look back and recap 2015. I think that in part I was successful in working towards my resolutions but I didn't manage to complete them all. My first resolution was to get more organised, and along with my 'try my best' resolution, I have been fairly consistent with this and developed more of a routine, particularly focusing on my university work. My exercise routine started off well and I definitely felt a lot healthier but for the past few months the whole exercise thing has stopped pretty much....... As for investing more time in this blog, I think we all know from the lack of posts, that didn't go too well either. I have so many draft posts saved but for some reason I never got round to finishing and actually posting them!

Although I didn't succeed in completing all the resolutions I made, 2015 was a good year and there are many great memories I have to look back on. I definitely learnt a lot about myself and I started to make small positive changes which made the year better. I'm excited for 2016 and as cliché as it may sound, I'm determined to make it the best year yet! As for my 2016 resolutions, I didn't want to set completely unrealistic goals which I'll inevitably fail at so I'm focusing on small changes which I can work towards.

2016 New Year's Resolutions:

1. Be kinder to myself and swap negative thoughts for positive ones. I over-think pretty much everything and whenever I make a mistake or something doesn't go to plan, I can be pretty negative towards myself. I think I was on Facebook recently and I saw a post which totally relates to this idea of being kinder to yourself and it said that you should treat yourself as you would your best friend. I think we can all be guilty of not being very nice to ourselves sometimes so whenever I'm feeling negative, I will remember that Facebook post! I would say I'm generally quite a positive person but it's easy to think negatively when things go wrong in life or don't go entirely to plan. This year I want to try and focus on all the positives from each day instead of the negatives. 
2. Make healthier choices. This year I want to try and eat better and get back into some kind of fitness routine as I want to feel healthier and stronger this time next year!
3. Dedicate time to relax. I think dedicating time for yourself, to relax and unwind is so important but I'm sure most of us find it difficult to schedule in this time. I find it very difficult to switch off and not think about everything I have to do but this year I want to give myself time to relax, whether that's taking a nice hot bath, watching a film, or both!

4. Spend quality time with my family and friends. I think this is such an important resolution and one that I intend to stick to. Sometimes life can get pretty hectic and busy but I'm definitely going to make an effort to keep in contact with my friends and family and spend good, quality time with them.
5. Graduate and find a job. So in July I should be graduating from university with a photography degree! I'm not quite sure how this has come around so quickly so one of my main goals for 2016 is to find a job for when I finish university.
6. Read more. So I failed my Goodreads challenge for 2015 but I'm determined to read more books in my free time this year. I've set a smaller goal of 8 books to read this year and hopefully I will be successful in this resolution.
7. Environmental Awareness. I've always been interested in the environment and as I've got older, I have become more aware of current environmental issues such as climate change. The climate change summit was recently held and a global agreement was made to take steps to reduce the affects of climate change. As I'm part of the last generation who can make a difference to protect the planet, I want to make a conscious effort to do more for the environment.
8. Blog (a lot) more. I really do enjoy it when I blog and slowly I'm learning more about the blogging world and it's becoming more exciting. I'm always disappointed with myself when I don't upload for long periods of time and so I want this to be the last year where I say, "I haven't blogged much this year." Right now I have lots of ideas for future posts and I can't wait to share them!
So there are my goals for 2016, let me know if you've made any resolutions this year and I hope you have a wonderful 2016!
Megan x

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