Foodie Feature- Pancake Day and Not So Perfect Looking Blueberry Pancakes!


Happy Pancake Day to you! I don't know about you but I love me some pancakes and by the end of today I imagine I will have eaten quite a few! Usually for pancake day I go for the standard crepes, with lemon juice and sugar for the topping but recently I've been trying out different toppings, making American-style, fluffy pancakes and throwing in some fruit to mix it up a bit. I adapted this recipe from the bbc food website to make some blueberry pancakes with raspberries on top so if you want to see how I made them, carry on reading for the recipe!


100g plain flour

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (the bbc recipe uses baking powder but I didn't have any)

1/2 tsp salt

2tbsp caster sugar

100ml milk

1 large egg, lightly beaten


Blueberries (I used a handful but you can add as many or as few as you like)



A handful of raspberries (Like the blueberries I used frozen raspberries and just defrosted them before making the pancakes.)

Lemon Juice

Caster Sugar




Mixing Bowl

Measuring Jug


Table Spoon

Tea Spoon


Frying Pan




1. Sift together all the dry ingredients (the flour, baking powder, salt and caster sugar) into the mixing bowl.
2. In the separate mixing jug whisk together the milk and egg.
3. Combine the milk and egg mixture with the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl, using a whisk or fork to gently beat the mixture until you make a smooth batter. (The mixture should be quite thick)
4. Put the frying pan on a medium heat and add a touch of oil to the pan.
5. Add a ladle's amount of batter to the frying pan. (depending on the size of the pan, you could make 2-3 pancakes at once)
6. After about 30 seconds carefully add some of the blueberries to the cooking batter in the pan. (A lot of recipes say to gently mix the blueberries into the batter before adding to the frying pan but I like to add them a bit later because I've found the pancakes are less likely to stick to the pan when trying to flip them.)
7. After 2-3 minutes on the heat, when little bubbles start appearing on top of the mixture, use the spatula to flip the pancakes and then cook the other side, ensuring both sides are golden brown.
8.  Repeat this until you've used up all the batter. I made 5 pancakes out of this mixture. (If you're making quite a few pancakes, you can keep them warm by putting them in the oven on a low heat whilst the others cook.)
9. Once you've used up all the batter, it's now time for toppings. As well as the blueberries inside the pancakes I added some lemon juice, caster sugar and raspberries on top but if you want more of a sweeter, chocolatey treat, you could swap the blueberries for chocolate chips or spread some Nutella on top!

Now my pancakes don't look like the perfect fluffy pancakes that you might see on Pinterest, underneath that top layer they were more of a squashed circle shape but they tasted pretty good regardless! I hope you enjoy your pancakes if you're eating them today and if you give this blueberry pancake recipe a try let me know what you think! I'm sure they'll look better than mine! What are your favourite pancake toppings? Do you prefer crepes or the American-style pancakes?
Megan x
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