Happiness is?.....

  • Spending time with the ones you love.

  • Waking up to the rain pouring outside but knowing that you can stay inside all day.

  • A cup of tea, just at the right temperature.

  • Getting lost in a good book.

  • Catching up with friends and no matter how long since you've seen them, it's still the same.

  • Waking up before your alarm and getting to go back to sleep.

  • The radio playing your favourite song.

  •  Cooking your favourite meal, perfectly how you like it.

Often it's the little things that make a day so much better. Here are a few examples of what happiness means to me. What are the things that make you happy?

Bye for now,
Megan x


  1. This is lovely :) things that make me happiest are warm sunny days where you can drive with the windows down, playing my favourite songs! xx

    1. Thank you so much! Ah that's definitely something to be happy about, sunny days are the best :) xx


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