New Year, New Me?

Happy New Year! (I know, I'm pretty late to the party.....)


Over the past few days I have been thinking about my own resolutions for 2015 and my aims for the year. Instead of creating resolutions where I force myself to give up something like chocolate (and inevitably fail), this year I intend to make small changes and improvements to try and make 2015 a great year.

Aims for 2015 and beyond: (I kind of want to watch toy story now.......) 

1. Get more organised. At times I can be quite organised; I love making to do lists and checking off the tasks and jobs I've got done, but I know I can definitely improve this. This year I want to organise my time better so that each day (or week) is productive and I can make time for more things.

2. Keep reading. I enjoy reading but only really make time for it during the holidays. This year I want to make an effort to read more and so I have set myself a target on Goodreads to read at least 15 books.
3. Blog. One of my main goals for this year is to invest more time in my blog and try to post more frequently. When I first started this blog I aimed to update it at least once a week, but then I went back to university and, well, it didn't go too well..... Here's hoping this year will be more successful!
4. Try my best. I'll soon be starting my second term of my second year at university (I can't believe it's gone so quick!) and I want to work hard and try to achieve the best I can.
5. Exercise. A pretty standard new years resolution, but this year I want to create an exercise routine and stick to it!
6. Have fun, be happy, and make memories. My final resolution for 2015 is to try and stay positive, and be happy with the good memories that the year may bring and to just have fun!

So there are my goals for 2015, have you made any resolutions this year? I hope you've had a great start to the year and I'll hopefully be posting more soon!

Bye for now,
Megan x


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