I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22! 22 Facts About Me!

Hello! So it's been a while... Recently it was my 22nd birthday and as I've never really spoken much about myself on here I thought in this post I would write 22 facts about me so if you wanted to, you could get to know me a bit better. I enjoy reading these types of posts so thought it would be fun to think of some of my own facts about me.

1. I have a degree in photography.


2. I have two sisters; one older and one younger.


3. I enjoy going out and seeing friends but I also quite like a nice, cosy night in.


4. I'm a Sagittarius.


5. My first concert was S Club 7 with S Club Juniors.



6. I keep buying books even though I'm running out of room for them and my to-read list just keeps growing. In an attempt to help with this, my parents treated me to a kindle for my birthday! (I'm still going to buy physical books as well though)



7. I can be very committed... committed to watching entire Netflix series in under a week!


8. I enjoy baking and cooking and like trying out new recipes.


9. I listen to music everyday and I'm definitely loving that it's now Christmas music time!


10. I find it difficult to pick a favourite of anything. Food? No. Song? No. Film? Definitely not! (Although I am now thinking of the scene in the first Harry Potter film when Harry is buying his wand from Olivander's. Anyone else get the reference?)


11. A perfect evening for me is having a nice bubble bath with candles, changing into comfy PJs, and watching a film.



12. Skinny jeans are my go to clothing choice.


13. I love the Harry Potter series.


14. I'm a list maker! Whenever I have a lot to do, I always write to-do lists.


15. I like completing puzzles and word searches.


16. I'm not entirely sure what I want to have as a job in the future but eventually I'd like to move on from my part time retail job. I may not know now what I 'want to be' but my career goal is to be doing something creative.


17. As a child I wanted to be a chef, a police officer, an interior designer, a writer, and a photographer amongst other things.


18. Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year.


19. I'm definitely an over-thinker!


20. I want to travel in the future. Right now, Switzerland and Iceland are firmly on my list of places I'd like to see!


21. I had music lessons learning to play the cornet (squished version of the trumpet) for nine years and achieved grade 7.


22. I called this blog of mine 'A Little Anything and Everything' because that's exactly what I intended this space to be, a little anything and everything, whether that be recipe ideas, book reviews, or general lifestyle updates.


That's it for the 22 facts about me, I hope you've enjoyed reading and found it interesting. Since being away from this blog I've been planning future ideas and as December is in full swing, hopefully there will be a few Christmas related posts soon! But for now, please feel free to leave a fact about yourself in the comments!

Bye for now,
Megan x


  1. I totally understand the part about not knowing what you want to be! I have a degree in English and I still have no clue. I feel as though the last year of college was when I really started discovering what I wanted to do.

  2. Thank you for stopping by! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one then. Yeah I think time is definitely key and I'm hoping I'll figure out what I want to do soon!


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