New Year- Goals for 2017

Now I know a lot of people will say that 2016 has been a pretty bad year and yes in politics and the news it kind of has, but for me personally, there have been some good moments and in this post I will be focusing on the good, and looking ahead to this next year. For starters, as I have mentioned in previous posts, I graduated from University. Looking back on my time at uni now, I not only ended with a degree but I also learnt a lot about myself and met some great people. As cheesy as it sounds, I grew as a person during that time and despite the stress of completing all my assignments on time, I'm glad that I went to University. Also in 2016 I went to see both McFly and Busted on their tours, I got a job once I graduated and my confidence grew (just a little bit).

I hope that 2017 will be even better than 2016 so to help with that I've come up with a few resolutions or goals to keep in mind.

1. Remember that each day is equally as important as any other. I always like the start of a new year as it's a good opportunity to start a fresh and think about what could be improved upon. However, I want to remember that everyday is important and if I want to make changes in my life, I can do that anytime and I don't have to wait until new year to do so.

2. Start learning to drive. I won't say learn to drive and pass my driving test within the year because although I'd definitely like to, I've never had a driving lesson so it could take me longer than a year because I could be terrible. (I really hope not!)

3. Make actual plans to see family and friends. I'm sure I'm not the only one but in between work and everything else I have to do, I struggle to keep in contact with people regularly and even though I often wonder how people are, actually texting them is another thing... This past year however, this has been something I've been trying to change. Since moving back home in the summer one of my best friends and I have tried to meet up for a catch up at least once a week and so far we've managed to stick to that pretty well. Sometimes we'll go to the cinema or grab a tea and some cake but even if we can only see each other for an hour at a time, I know it makes me feel so much happier just to talk to a friend and so I'll certainly continue with this in 2017!

4. Save money. Adulthood has officially happened! As I'm getting older and now I've finished with University, I've realised that I need to start saving properly for big life things, like a house one day.

5. Create a more structured plan for blogposts. Eventually I would like to have a regular upload day for my blogposts but I've started to realise that I need more of a plan to make this a reality; it's all well and good me saying that I want to upload a post every week, but I need to set aside time for coming up with post ideas, taking photos, writing the post, and then checking through and editing. I know I've said this many times but now I've settled into work, I want to allow time in my schedule for blogging!

6. Make time for me. In 2017 I'd like spend time focusing on my own happiness and wellbeing and be unapologetic about taking time for me. Recently I've found myself becoming busier and with less free time, and although I do want to make more time for friends and family next year, I also know I need time for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with those I care about, but I do need time for myself to recharge and just do nothing. I think everyone does sometimes! I also want to work on my self-confidence, both personally, and with blogging; instead of having blogposts stuck in my drafts because I don't think they're good enough, I want to finish writing and publishing them!

So there are my goals for this upcoming year.
Happy New Year to you, I hope it's as good as can be! Do you have any resolutions for 2017?



  1. Good luck learning to drive, Megan! Also, I really admire your goals - some are responsible, some are fun - I think you have the balance just right!
    Beth x


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