Summer Wish List

Right now it's summer time in the UK and the sun is actually shining at the minute! I can't believe it's August already and so, in order to make the most of the few weeks left of my holiday, I have decided to make a list of the things I want to do this summer. So here goes....
  1. Spend more time with friends and family.  

  2. Go outside and take walks.

  3. Have a picnic.

  4. Read more. 

  5. Internet free for a day.

  6. Go to the beach.

  7. Eat an ice cream (or 2, or 3....).

  8. Play games in the park.

  9. Have a movie marathon.

  10. Listen to great music!

I love reading when I'm not too busy and so the summer time is perfect!


Here are a few photos taken in my garden. You know it's summer when you can find the daisies.


So there's my summer wish list for 2014. I hope to be able to check everything off before the summer ends! What's your favourite thing about summer, and do you have a summer wish list of your own?

Bye for now,
Megan x



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