The British Tag

A few days ago I was reading Another Student Blog on Bloglovin and I found the British Tag which is made up of 12, British related questions. I thought that it might be good to complete the tag on my blog and so that is what I'm doing today. I hope you enjoy!

1) How many cups of tea do you have and how many sugars?
Usually I only have 1- 2 cups a day, but if it's cold and rainy that can go up to 3-4. I drink my tea with some milk and two sugars.
2) Favourite part of a Sunday roast?
Ooh I do love a good roast dinner. Of course you've got to love roast potatoes but also you can't beat bread sauce, especially at Christmas time. I thought most people knew what bread sauce is but when I went to uni I discovered this is not true.... (please someone tell me I'm not alone!)
3) Favourite dunking biscuit?
Bourbons or malted milk biscuits (does anyone else call them cow biscuits?).
4) Favourite British pastime?
Hmm, I think it would have to be a nice picnic in the park (with a flask of tea!)
5) Favourite word?
 6) Cockney rhyming slang?
 I think 'the dog and bone' is the telephone.
7) Favourite sweets?
Skittles or strawberry laces.
 8) What would your pub be called?
'A Good Pub' (hopefully it would be good!)
 9) Favourite British person?
There are so many people I could choose to answer this question so I will just pick two. 
 Benedict Cumberbatch and J.K. Rowling.
10) Favourite shop?
My favourite clothes shop is H&M- they have really great, affordable clothes. I also love stationary so it would have to be Paperchase.
11) Which British pop songs pop into your head?
 Anything by The Beatles.
12) Marmite?
Nope! (Sorry to any Marmite lovers out there.)
So there are my answers to the British Tag. I hope you have enjoyed reading this post and now I tag you to give it a go!
Bye for now,
Megan x


  1. Loved this post! I studied abroad in England last term and I miss it so much but this brought a smile to my face :) Thanks for the follow too!

    Shannon x

    1. Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! No problem, I look forward to reading your blog :)

      Thanks for stopping by :)
      Megan x


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