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Foodie Feature- Pancake Day and Not So Perfect Looking Blueberry Pancakes!

Hello! Happy Pancake Day to you! I don't know about you but I love me some pancakes and by the end of today I imagine I will have eaten quite a few! Usually for pancake day I go for the standard crepes, with lemon juice and sugar for the topping but recently I've been trying out different toppings, making American-style, fluffy pancakes and throwing in some fruit to mix it up a bit. I adapted this recipe from the  bbc food website  to make some blueberry pancakes with raspberries on top so if you want to see how I made them, carry on reading for the recipe! Ingredients: 100g plain flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (the bbc recipe uses baking powder but I didn't have any) 1/2 tsp salt 2tbsp caster sugar 100ml milk 1 large egg, lightly beaten Oil Blueberries (I used a handful but you can add as many or as few as you like)   Toppings: A handful of raspberries (Like the blueberries I used frozen raspberries and just defrosted them before making the pa

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